Celebrating The Fitness Business Podcast 100 Shows With Luke Carlson

Luke Carlson

Luke Carlson is the founder and CEO of Discover Strength whose personal training facilities are among the highest volume/revenue training facilities in the US and was a guest on show 91.

Key points from the interview:

  • Everything you do in business should relate back to your company values and purpose.
  • Make your self goals for learning – in Lukes case, he reads for 3 hours every Saturday and an extra 30 – 60 minutes each day!
  • Encourage your team to read and support them with on-going education.

Chantal’s top take-away:

Luke describes a system he has called ‘Project Learn” where he gets his team, every Monday morning, to read an article and on the Tuesday morning they all get together to discuss the article. I love this concept and it’s something we can all implement into our workplace.

Luke Carlson