What Fitness Activities Did People Search For On Google?

Google Search

Just prior to Christmas, Google released its top searches for exercise, fitness, workouts and diets.

These are US based searches:

  1. Insanity
  2. Focus T25
  3. PiYo Workout
  4. 7 Minute Workout
  5. P90x
  6. Kettlebell Workout
  7. Tabata Workout
  8. Body beast
  9. Burpee Workout
  10. 5×5 Workout

Trending Diets

  1. Paleo Diet
  2. Atkins Diet
  3. Gluten Free Diet
  4. Mediterranean Diet
  5. Dash Diet
  6. The Military Diet
  7. HCG Diet
  8. South Beach Diet
  9. Super Shred Diet
  10. The Doctor’s Diet

These trends are critical to help you:

  • Design the content to include on your website;
  • In your search engine optimisation so have pages on your website using these words;
  • With your Facebook posts;
  • Tags to use on Instagram images

Source: http://news.health.com/2014/12/22/10-biggest-workout-trends-of-2014-according-to-google/