Paving your pathway to Success

Starting up a new business can be daunting, especially if you are not 100% clear on what you want to do, and what you need to do to get there.

The key to creating a successful business is having a clear focus, a strong direction and a commitment to setting yourself goals and actions to get you to where you want to go.

Imagine your biggest goal is sitting hundreds of kilometers away in the distance, you realize it may take you months or even years to reach it.

You can see it sitting there, but the ground to get there is uneven, patchy, slippery and in some places, there’s no ground there at all.

Now think of your actions like stone pavers.

Your job is to use the pavers to build a pathway to your goal.  The more actions you have, the stronger and more stable the path you will build.  Cut corners, and the trip will take twice as long, or worse, it will become too hard, you give up, turn around and go back home.

Building a business is a journey, and you are in charge of how you get there.

Ideas and thoughts will only get you so far.