RIP Jack O’Brien from Fitness First Carlingford | MH17

At 44 years of age, I am 5’6” and bullet proof.  Nothing can take me down. In deed, nothing could take me down when I was 25.

I am guessing that is what Jack O’Brien was thinking a week ago.

Jack was the Senior Receptionist at Fitness First Carlingford, where I work out. I knew this young man as the person who said “Hi” and scanned my card, not the son that Mr and Mrs O’Brien know, nor Bronwyn’s brother, nor the lad who was running with the bulls during a seven week trip with friends.

When I watched the breaking news, I was thinking “Wow! Shit!”  But it seemed a world away.  People I didn’t know died and I was sad.

By the time news broke on Facebook that Jack was one of them, it hit me.  These were real people with families, friends and work mates.

I don’t mean that I was disrespecting them initially.

I mean, when I found out I knew someone on that plane, my perception of the incident changed.  And more importantly, I could now empathise with the family, friends and work mates – as I was one.

My emotions changed considerably and look at what happens daily now with a new set of eyes.

I have been very impressed with the dignity, caring and support Fitness First have given to the Carlingford Team.  Today a wonderful tribute was at the front door for the members to share their grief.

Fitness First Carlingford

Fitness First Carlingford


Whenever a young person passes away, it is incredibly sad.  No matter the circumstances or the depth of the relationship, the finality of death strikes everyone in the core of their heart.

It is not wrong to take time and grieve.  For some this time will be longer and others shorter.  The important point to acknowledge is that there is no judgment.

If you need to speak with someone, then seek out a professional who can help you.  This is not a sign of weakness, rather a sign of strength as you want help to deal with the tragedy.


To the Team of Fitness First Carlingford, you have my thoughts as you all struggle to come to grips with this news and tragedy.

To the friends of Jack, remember the bright happy young lad.

And to Mr & Mrs O’Brien and the family, your son and brother was a good man and you can feel proud of him.


RIP Jack O’Brien.



A wonderful interview with his mate Tim Pickering who shares more about Jack on the Triple M Grill Team: