3 More Ways To Book 20 Appointments


In our last blog we talked about “3 Ways to Book 20 Appointments”.  Here are 3 additional internal lead generation methods.

1. Change the messaging on your fliers and marker boards

On a weekly basis, you should change the messaging on your fliers and marker boards. The idea behind flyers and marker boards is to engage your clients not to sell something to your clients.  Meaning jab the client not right hook the client as Gary Vaynerchuck would say in his book, “Jab Jab Jab Right Hook”.  Here are some very popular flyer/marker posts to put up in your facility:

  1. What burns more calories and why? 30 min of weight training or 30 min of cardiovascular activity? Ask the trainers, we know our stuff 🙂
  2. What does rBGH, BVO, HFCS have in common? And did you know that you eat them on a regular basis? Ask your trainers, they can help
  3. Why are Kettle Bell Swings, front squats, and back lunges better then an elliptical, leg extensions, leg curls, inner and outer thigh machine? Ask a trainer for the answer

Of course everyone at the club should know what the answer is and they should also know how to engage the client once the conversation is over.  It might sound something like this:

Prospect:  Hey I was curious, what burns more calories weight training or cardio?  I want to lose 30 lbs. I’ve been doing cardio 3-4 days a week but it seems as though its not working.

Trainer:  I am so glad you asked.  Sounds like you are frustrated and ready to take your weight loss to another level.

Prospect:  Yes, I am.  I am just frustrated that its not coming off as easy it has before.

Trainer:  That certainly can be daunting and a lot of our members have felt the same way.  What they found out was weight training was one of the main solutions.  The main difference between cardio training and weight training is after cardio training, pending on the intensity of your workout, you will be fully recovered within 2-6 hours.  After weight training, especially the weight training our clients do, you will continue to burn calories from that workout for an additional 24 – 48 hours.  Isn’t that great?

Prospect:  That’s really interesting.

Trainer: Mrs. Jones, what I’d like to do and I think you would agree is schedule a time for you and to chat more about your workout routine.  What date and time works best for you?

2. Email prospects that you have seen in the last 4 months

Email prospects that you have seen in the last 4 months on a weekly basis. First of all, you should have some sort of a system in place to see the prospects that didn’t buy from you every 6-8 weeks or so just to make sure they are staying motivated and seeing results.  More on this topic in another blog.  The question is what should you email?  In his book, “YOUTILITY” Jay Baer talks about something very interesting.  If you are going to be sending or posting any content, make sure its useful to the consumer you are trying to market to.  He says, make sure you are always providing help not hype to your prospects.

3. Email prospects that you haven’t seen in the last 4 months

Email prospects that you haven’t seen in the last 4 months. Same as above, make sure you are helpful.  Make sure you are relevant to what these members might be experiencing being members in your facility.  Remember, no one joins your facility in hope of quitting.  The best content to email is the same content you are currently discussing with your clients.

About the Author

Mike Gelfgot

Mike Gelfgot is an Anytime Fitness Franchisee. Mike immigrated to the US in 1993 and was the very first AF Franchisee to get an AF tattoo!

Mike has won many awards including:

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