Celebrating The Fitness Business Podcast 100 Shows With Anytime Fitness Chuck Runyon

Chuck Runyon, one of the Anytime Fitness Founders, was an awesome guest talking on how to build world class culture in your club, in show 77.

Key points from the interview:

  • Put others first and your wealth will come later.
  • Find people you can work with that are going to challenge and test your ideas.
  • Allow staff to have input on the business and let them know that they matter.
  • Invest in your teams ongoing training and development.

Chantal’s top take-away:

Do this exercise: Take a look back over the last 12 months and make a list of the training programs you and/or your team have completed. Then write a bullet point list of what actions have been implemented in your business as a direct result of that training. If there are still actions left to complete, then add them to your planning calendar for the next 3-6 months and allocate a champion to each task.

Cuck Runyon