From Our GCM Friends: 7 Ways To Make IGTV Work For Your Business

You might still be patting yourself on the back for having finally mastered Facebook Live and Instagram Stories, only to be faced with something new called “IGTV”. What the…?!

What is IGTV?

IGTV is Instagram’s new TV app, which is specifically built for your mobile device (and Instagram’s way to take on YouTube!). So here’s a quick rundown of exactly what IGTV is.

  • The app is designed for optimal viewing via a device, which means videos are full-screen and vertical.
  • Video duration can be between 15 seconds and 10 minutes. For verified accounts and those with more than 10,000 followers, the maximum duration is extended to 60 minutes; but for most mere mortals, video duration is capped at 10 minutes.
  • Users can watch uploaded videos while inside the Instagram app, or via the dedicated IGTV app
  • Videos will automatically play for users, upon opening the IGTV app
  • Creators can add “swipe up” call-to-actions on their videos
  • Within the IGTV app, users have the option to browse between “For You,” “Following,” “Popular,” and “Continue Watching” tabs
  • Users can engage with videos via the Like or Comment options, or send videos to friends using the Direct feature
  • Creators have their own channels, and anyone can be a creator
  • Videos can be uploaded via the IGTV app or the web
  • IGTV videos can also shared to Facebook Watch
  • Maximum file sizes are 3.6GB
  • File type is .MP4
  • Video size is 9:16
  • Video thumbnail or cover image is .JPG format
  • At the time of launching, no advertising options are available, but Instagram has assured users that eventually popular video creators will be able to make money from their efforts.

Why should you integrate IGTV in your business?

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of digital innovation, IGTV is specifically designed to connect people with others, including brands. So when understand how to use it in such a way that your business begins to add value to the viewer’s life, then it becomes a surefire way to earn their trust and attention. This equates to more leads, sales and ultimately, brand loyalty.

How can you make IGTV work for your business?

Integrating IGTV into your social media and marketing strategies is easier than you think. Here are seven ways you can put IGTV to work for your brand. Remember, video content is the preferred format for consuming content these days, so you’d be mad not to integrate some degree of video content into your social media campaigns.

  1. Video greetings / Introductions

These are extremely popular on YouTube, because a good video introduction can let visitors know exactly who you are, what you do, what you stand for, and what they can expect from your business and what they can expect on your channel or Instagram profile.

  1. Interviews / Q&As

Interviews and Q&As with industry leaders or team members within your organisation can strengthen engagement with your brand and deliver value to your audience. This is actually a simple way to get started with IGTV, without the time constraints or fear of bad connections and interruptions of live videos.

  1. Product Demos / Tutorials / How To Instructions

Product demos, tutorials, and how to videos are the best way to teach your audience how to use your product or service, and how to get the most benefit from doing so. Creating a library of useful, instructional videos can play an enormous role in establishing your credibility and authority in your area of specialty.

  1. Recurring Segments

Do you share a tip or create other forms of content on a regular basis? If not, then you can – and you should! And then you should create a video version of these recurring efforts, because it’s an awesome way to turn your blog posts into more easily consumable IGTV videos. This type of initiative will give your brand consistency and provide your audience with something to look forward to week after week.

  1. IGTV Exclusives

Another great way to use Instagram’s latest video feature is to create videos that are shared exclusively on your IGTV channel. Any ideas (even the ones provided here) could be turned into IGTV exclusives, giving your fans an extra reason to follow you.

  1. Repurpose Content

Your IGTV channel is a great outlet on which to repurpose and republish existing videos or Live streams that you’ve previously recorded. This may require some editing if your video was originally shot horizontally, but what a great way to extend the life of the videos you’ve used on your Instagram Live stories, beyond the standard 24 hours!

  1. Webinars

If you already go Live on a regular basis, or create teaching videos then IGTV is a great opportunity to expand your existing audience. And if you don’t already do this, then IGTV is a great opportunity to start doing so. These clips are great opportunities to provide added value, engage more people with your brand, and establish/confirm your credibility as an authority. Collectively, when they accrue, you’ll be creating a resource library that your followers will appreciate.