IHRSA 2017 Learnings From Brent Darden of REX Roundtables

IHRSA 2017

I love attending the IHRSA Convention & Trade Show to:

  • Learn;
  • Share;
  • Connect with friends;
  • Support our great industry, and
  • Be reminded of the untapped potential within each of us.

The biggest takeaway this year for me was the ongoing paradox of human connection and technology.

More specifically, how we must leverage technology to reach people where they are, and at the same time understand that we must be “present” and demonstrate our care for others in a personal way. Harnessing technology to be more efficient with time, tasks, projects, communication, outcomes, etc. – but not more “efficient” with people. This obviously transcends all aspects of life.

Another significant takeaway was generated by several of the keynote speakers and their thought provoking messages.

In essence, most of us spend far to little time working on our business / our brands, rather than in the day-to-day of our businesses. Making the time to: think creatively (like Johnny Cupcakes), pay attention to “small data” or observed behaviors (like Martin Lindstrom), and adopting an abundance mindset (like Seth Mattison) are all worthy of our attention and can have a tremendous impact on our lives and the lives of others.

The reminder that “relationships” equal “retention” was another valuable takeaway for me.

Building a sense of camaraderie and community is a foundational element of the most successful clubs, studios, organizations, roundtables, and trade associations.

Active Management Note

Thanks Brent for your contribution as a guest blogger on the IHRSA Conference 2017. Brent is a Chair of REX Roundtables in the US, a former chairman of IHRSA and all round great guy!  If you want to know about REX Roundtables in the US, click here and if you are in Australia or New Zealand, click here.