Leadership by William Pollard

Here is a very powerful insight into leading your people.

“The real leader is not the person with the most distinguished title, the highest pay, or the longest tenure.Leadership

The real leader is the role model, the risk taker.

The real leader is not the person with the largest car or biggest home, but the servant; not the person who promotes himself or herself, but the promoter of others; not the administrator but the initiator; not the taker but the giver; not the talker but the listener.

Servant leaders believe in the people they lead and are always ready to be surprised by their potential.

Servant leaders make themselves available.

Servant leaders are committed – they are not simply holders of position.  They love and care for people they lead.

Leadership is both an art and a science.  Everyone is a leader and everyone can also be a servant.”

Thanks William Pollard, Chairman of Service Master, 1997 your insights are profound.