Press Release: Be shaped by the books that shape our leaders

With so much information coming at us from all directions at all hours of the day, it can be challenging to know who’s advice to trust, and how to prioritise what to read first. Thankfully, The Fitness Business Podcast has released its 2018 edition of The Books That Shape Our Leaders. This must-see reading list is a compilation of book recommendations
provided by some of the world’s best thought-leaders, during their interviews with The Fitness Business Podcast.

“Looking back to 2015 when we first launched The Fitness Business Podcast, I could have never dreamt we would be able to collate such a wealth of information for fitness professionals,” explains the host of the Fitness Business Podcast, Chantal Brodrick.
“Yet thanks to the contribution of over 150 guests in 3 years, here we are, now launching our 2018 edition.”

So whether you are a fitness business owner, manager, personal trainer or entrepreneur, you’ll find immense
value in the books contained in this innovative resource.

“We’ve provided 56 book recommendations in this resource, covering topics such as sales, leadership,
customer service, business, the future and finance. And each book has the potential to enhance your knowledge
to further your success, both now and in the years to come. Plus, we’ve also included direct hyperlinks to ensure you
can easily purchase your own copy of any of the books recommended by these leading business owners experts, coaches and authors.”

To view 2018 edition of The Books That Shape Our Leaders, visit

The weekly Fitness Business Podcast can be found on iTunes or at

For more details about the world’s premier Fitness Business Podcast, contact from Chantal Brodrick
on +61 2 9484 5501 or email

About The Fitness Business Podcast
The Fitness Business Podcast is a weekly business podcast dedicated to providing fitness professionals with quality first-hand knowledge from leading business experts, coaches, authors and owners from around the world.