Top Tips From Bill Moore On The Fitness Business Podcast

Bill Moore

Here is what resonated for me on this weeks podcast with Bill Moore sharing branding, customer, and future direction insights:

There’s always more to learn – Bill Moore

You must have a crystal clear vision of who you are trying to reach – Bill Moore


And Bill’s top tips were:

  • You can have the best product in the world, but anonymity goes with it, if you don’t have a strong brand to support it.
  • You must have a crystal clear vision of who you are trying to reach – you must understand your customer.
  • People get tired of a product before they get tired of a brand, so protecting a brand is critical.
  • Your product needs to stay relevant to the audience you are targeting.
  • 12WBT was successful because it met the mood of the audience very accurately.

Listen To Bill's Podcast Now

Tell us in the comments below your #1 Takeaway from this show or what success you have had from implementing an idea you heard here!

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