Traits of a Guerrilla Marketer

GuerillaWe got such great feedback from last month’s Top 10 by Jay Conrad Levinson, that we went searching for more!

You’ve got to have ten character traits to be a true guerrilla marketer:

  • Patient – allow your marketing to take hold and soar. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen.
  • Imagination – use technology and the media to your best advantage, to create ways for your message to come shining through.
  • Sensitivity – see things from your customer’s point of view, from the perspective of your competitors, and from inside the minds of your prospects.
  • Strength – stand up to the people who love you, but give the worst marketing advice: your co-workers, employees, family and friends.
  • Aggression – plus a wide range of weapons to out-market your competition.
  • Learning – constant learning that will keep you strategically positioned in the marketing arena. Marketing options are changing faster than ever, so you must keep up.
  • Generous – the power of FREE in the new economy! You’ve got to be generous with a penchant for giving things away for free if they can help your customers, especially imparting information.
  • Energetic – the constant attention required by marketing – attention to maintaining, tracking and improving it regularly – only high energy people will succeed.
  • People Person – be in touch with what’s on the minds of your target market. Many business owners are focused on things and ideas more than people, but people are your interest.
  • Focus – always maintain your focus because diffusing it results in weakening your marketing. It is a challenge to maintain concentration with daily distractions and temptations, but your focus is a potent ally.

A simple test for you … score each characteristic of a guerrilla marketer out of 10 for yourself. Pat yourself on the back for your top 3 scores and then set a plan to improve the bottom 3 characteristics.