Getting Comfy

We need to make our members more comfortable in our fitness centres. Senior with female PT

What we know from current industry research is that the number one reason members leave, is not because it’s too expensive, not because they don’t have enough time but because they don’t feel comfortable in our clubs and fitness centres.

What could we do to make new members more comfortable when they come to a club?

What could we do to create spaces where women are comfortable in the gym?

How can we incorporate seniors into our fitness centres so they are in space and training in a way that suits them?

Service of our customers is more important than ever as people have a lot of choice of the types of places they can train, the amounts of money they can pay and many sorts of classes/forms of training they can do.

Here are a few tips and things you can do:

  1. Invest in staff training for great member connection
  2. Create and use a needs analysis for new members
  3. Continue to monitor how members feel and take action on that feedback