Personal Training Business Time Management Tip: Email Management 1

There’s no denying we are all plagued with emails every single day. They can get overwhelming and annoying and an inbox full of unopened, unanswered emails can spell trouble.

But here are 4 quick and easy rules to apply which will give you a little clarity and a lot of time back in your day!

  1. Process your emails once a day. Set aside a time and focus just on that task.
  2. Prioritize 20% emails; Defer 80% ones . Answer the most important ones and file or delete the others
  3. Have a “Reply by ‘a certain’ Day” folder – file some emails into there
  4. and Realize you don’t need to reply to every mail! Some emails deserve to hit the Trashcan, and others can wait for a later time.

Remember current client and potential client emails should always come first.