Personal Training Business Time Management Tip: Email Management 2

Last week we looked at 4 great tips to streamline your email management. We’ve got another 4 lined up for today, so lets get straight into them:

5. Create automatic templates – if you often send similar replies. Eg: Thanks for your enquiry, Boot Camp classes are held… Then just customize the template with the person’s name.
6. Only read emails when it’s relevant. Be honest, how much time do you waste reading tweets or living social emails in between work emails? Put a rule on any subscription emails so they go direct to a folder where you can read them later.
7. Structure / File your emails by projects — eg: Clients / Finance / Promotions / Advertising etc.
And last but not least:
8. Unsubscribe from things you don’t read.

Lets face it, as a PT you should be spending most of your time on the Gym floor with your clients – not sitting in front of a computer answering emails.

So apply these tips to your InBox and you’ll find yourself with a few extra hours back in your diary each week.