Personal Training Business Communication Tip: Body Language

So we all know how to greet someone with positive Body Language: stand tall, open arms, smile and handshake, but what about what Not to do when it comes to body language.

Here are 5 major no no’s:

1) Crossed arms – it screams negativity, go away!

2) Hands in pockets, you may as well have a sign on you saying “I’m bored”

3) Hands on hips, which can be intimidating to a new client.

4) Chewing gum or eating food. Remember – a PT session is about the client – not about YOU!

And I’ve saved the best for last…

5) Texting during a PT session!

If you need to use a stop watch, then invest in one! don’t use your phone. While your client might know you are using it for the clock, the other potential customers passing by will just think you are neglecting your client to check your Twitter account!

Don’t do it.

Most importantly, remember that your body language says plenty without you even saying a thing.