5 Marketing Habits To Change

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Here are five marketing practices you need to leave behind:

  1. Marketing doesn’t have to be your favorite part of running your business. But if you’re approaching email marketing or social media out of a feeling of obligation, there’s a good chance your audience will be able to tell.
  2. “Hope is not a marketing strategy” you need to start with a plan.
  3. With a clear plan and schedule, you have a great foundation in place. If you’re having a hard time following through, it’s probably because you’re trying to do too much. You don’t have to be everywhere, you just need to be consistent.
  4. As a small business you can develop personal relationships with your prospects, members and clients. Make sure you’re reflecting that connection in your emails by adding a personal touch whenever possible.
  5. Assuming you’re on a big screen! There’s a good chance your audience is searching for your business on their smartphones. Do you know how your website looks on a mobile device?

Source: http://blogs.constantcontact.com/bad-marketing-strategies/?rmc=pm_ht_all&M=21374AAC-2574-4D15-8C75-0B8589B8692A