Gary Vaynerchuck Jab Jab Jab Right Hooks the Industry At #IHRSA2014 – Part 3

Social Media ThoughtsGV ImagePart III

If you don’t buy into the religion of social media then using any tactic like photos, videos, time to post, etc is irrelevant.

Important to realise that social media is not the concept … society is the concept!

Surprise & delight to the fans who share/engage. Reward with authenticity!

Just jump in and act human!

You cannot execute social media over night. Get into it now & you’ll be ready in the years to come!

Are you following ALL your fans/members on social media so you can have an engaging conversation with them.  This means when they come for a workout you can have an engaging and personal conversation with them.

Your psychology is different on different social media platforms. You need to act different. Context is critical!

Not enough health clubs use Instagram or Google ad words.

Instagram is the new Facebook.  So every club should have a full press attack on Instagram.

Twitter lets you hear what people are saying.  This is a HUGE advantage that we now have in business that has NEVER existed. Clubs just are not listening.  For example, Gary searched on Twitter 15 minutes before his presentation and found 100,000 people were at that point working out and these are people you can start connecting with.

Search twitter to find people in your area talking about fitness and engage with them.  Not sell them, engage with them.

If you are going to hire someone to do your social media, ensure they have already done it!!! That’s the key for a successful social media campaign!

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