Group Fitness Managers We Are Coming To Rescue You

One of the toughest roles (for me anyway) in the fitness industry is managing, growing and leading a group fitness team. Having a team that buys into the goals of the fitness business that employs them is a constant challenge and seems to rest on the very broad shoulders of the club’s Group Fitness Manager.

FullSizeRenderWe are very excited to announce that at Active Management, we now have a Team Member who is an expert in developing a powerful, unified and functional (as opposed to dysfunctional) Group Fitness Teams: Leisl Klaebe.

You can read all about Leisl by clicking here.

We are super excited with Leisl joining the Active Team! Here is what you can expect from Leisl:

  • A regular blogger with tips, strategies and ideas for building your team;
  • A new regular segment on the Fitness Business Podcast; and
  • Facilitating a brand new Industry Leaders Roundtable specifically for Group Fitness Managers to be launched in June and potentially a Personal Training Managers Roundtable later in 2016.

The Group Fitness Managers Roundtable will be a world first as Leisl will spend one full day, two times a year focusing on the business of group fitness. As a member of the Roundtable, you will be focusing on getting the most from your people and from your Team. The agenda is clear and the results will be amazing!

As with all the Roundtables we facilitate, there are a couple of unique and key criteria to joining a Roundtable:

  • No competitors will be on the same Roundtable;
  • You must be open and willing to try new ideas; and
  • Your contribution in the collaborative thinking will be critical.

The only condition is that you must be willing to commit to at least the first 3 meetings – two in 2016 and the first in 2017. We feel over this period you will get true value from the group and determine if you wish to continue as a member.

If you would like more information on the Group Fitness Managers Roundtable, click the button below and we’ll be in touch.

Please send me more information on the Group Fitness Managers Roundtable