Personal Training Business Time Management Tip: Podcasts

When you’re a PT, time is precious, and we know that increasing our knowledge base is part of being a successful business owner.Personal Training Business Time Management Tip Podcasts

We also know that keeping active is important for balance and well being. So here’s the tip….download an hour of business specific podcasts (that are research based / by industry leaders / that are recognized as mainstream and well regarded) and listen to them during your workout or while travelling from client to client.

That way, you are learning ‘on the run’ so to speak and increasing your knowledge base plus keeping up with current news and trends.

Here are my top 3 business Podcasts to checkout:
1) Active Management Podcasts of course! 
2) SmallBusinessBigMarketing 
3) freedomocean .

Each of these take a different perspective of business. You can choose from the title to download the episodes that are most useful for your business. Sync it with your phone or MP3 and get listening!