Would You Like To Know What The Fitness Consumer Is Thinking?

IHRSA Health Club Consumer Report

The IHRSA Health Club Consumer Report is one of IHRSA’s premier publications as it provides a wealth of data and information on US industry growth, membership demographics, club usage, price points and other fitness business issues.

IHRSA interviewed Brent Darden, Rick Caro and Stephen Tharrett to see their insights and here is what they said:

  1. More and more people now have multiple memberships. They attend classes at one facility and ‘gym’ at another. This is the emergence of ‘boutique’ or ‘niche’ clubs.
  2. The health club industry is now regarded as mature as it is neither on steep growth or declining. Caro believes the industry is refining itself and working on ‘what does it want to be known for?’
  3. The older your members the longer they stay members.
  4. Personal training just isn’t hitting the majority of the gym population.
  5. Equipment usage has dropped.

I really enjoyed Caro’s insight, “Clubs have the opportunity to ask themselves what are their points of differentiation? They need to discover their strengths, capitalise on them and really make their strengths stronger.”

Well said Rick!

You can get your copy of the 2014 IHRSA Health Club Consumer Report at ihrsastore.com.

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