Sponsored Blog: New Ways To Increase Your Sales Quickly

A Member in 15 Minutes!!!

  • Would you like to have more of your leads become paying members or clients quickly?
  • Do you want to reduce time consuming follow-up calls?
  • How about shorten the length of your sales presentations?
  • I bet you would like to have 100% of your staff being able to sell and create income for you, right?

The Good News is that Impact Training Corporations new “One Chance Selling” Program has been created to achieve exactly that – A Member in just 15 Minutes!!!

We know that we are all making decisions faster now than before, are bombarded by information continuously and are all busy rushing from activity to activity. We also know that follow-up of leads is almost dead as it is increasingly difficult to speak to our prospects via the telephone as most won’t answer unless they recognise the number that is calling.

However, many Clubs, Studios and Personal Trainers are still using old ways of selling and communicating which are not as effective anymore, costing time, money and creating stress.

The sales process for fitness has evolved as the market place as changed. It is important that the people doing your sales know your product and use your USP’s correctly to help inspire sales. I believe we now only have “One Chance” to make an appointment, “One Chance” to close, as the customer has changed. We must create an emotional experience that has your prospects wanting to belong to your Club, Studio or to you as a Personal Trainer.

The sales process for fitness needed to evolve as the old ways of selling (which used to work) have now been stream lined, as selling fitness has become more Consultative and fitness sales people must be much more informed about their products and services so they can inspire people to buy. The deal or hard closing days don’t excite prospects to make a buying decision.

Here is your chance to learn how our new “One Chance Selling” Program will have any of your staff create a happy “Member in 15 Minutes.”

This will;

  • Increase Conversion
  • Reduce Follow-up
  • Shorten Sales Presentations
  • Give 100% of your staff the skills to sell and Create Income
  • Reduce Stress and Improve Pride in your business

impact200Call Impact Training Corporation now on (02) 9994 8033 or email office@impact-training.net to book your FREE “Selling Fitness Health Check” to find out if your selling process is Losing you sales.

Also, join Darren Roberts for his Product Showcase Webinar on Tuesday 26th August to learn more about Impact Training Corporations new “One Chance Selling” Program.